Something that has always surprised me is how little effort many
engineers put in their resumes and cover letters. Business managers,
sales people, lawyers, accountants and other professionals take the
resume a little more seriously. Countless engineers consider content to
be the only thing that matters and this often results in resumes that
are hard to read, have content that does not help them or are just so
flawed that they cost the candidate interview call after interview call.
A cover letter and resume are almost always your first opportunity to
make an impression on the human resources or hiring manager. Of all the
tasks involved in a job search nothing can make it or break it for an
engineer quicker than a resume. The resume is your first calling card,
and also the introduction that can lead to an interview call and a new
Hiring is sort of like dating. Nobody jumps from a first introduction
to a marriage proposal… (well maybe in the movies) So hiring is like
dating in that it is a multiple step process where confidence is built
and doubts and skepticism are slowly erased until the employer is
confident you can do 3 things:
1. Help his/her organization be better – bring value to the team.
2. Fit with the group – nobody hires someone they dislike.
3. Fill their current need.
…A job offer then follows.
On the way there you need to be completely focused on building 3 things:
1. Build Their Trust in You as a Professional – bring value to the team…
2. Build Your Credibility and a Personal Rapport – they don’t dislike
3. Build Their Confidence in Your Competence For the Job – Fit their
current need…
Imagine what happens to these three critical factors if your first
introduction is poor. Your resume is in most cases all the employer
knows about you, so you have to make sure you get the best engineering
resume possible. Why?
First… If you make a poor impression with your resume it will be almost
impossible to erase it – even if you get called for an interview. In
some cases you may still get a call but the hiring manager is going to
attempt to find out more about something he or she didn’t like and
wants you to explain away. This is a terrible place to be in an
interview. It is a negative start that puts you on the defensive and
will virtually ensure you will not get an offer. Most times a poorly
written engineering resume simply ends up in the trash bin, you don’t
get a call and someone else gets the job.
Second… You are in a competition for the job you just applied for. All
it takes is two or three candidates with exceptionally well written
resumes and you are out of an interview and consequently the job. When
hiring managers scan a short document for information and have several
others in line for their attention they are not going to give you much
time. You need to nail it quickly, grab their attention and keep it.
They will not have any patience for errors or lack of clarity, a poor
format or resume that is hard to read or full of decorative graphics or
jargon they can’t understand. It’s a competitive race, if you do not
send in the best resume you will lose the race.
Over many years of evaluating engineering resumes both as an employer
and a professional resume writer and career counselor I have seen so
many resumes that have hurt rather than helped the candidate.
In some cases these poor resumes were written by an engineer trying to
do it himself without guidance or reviews. In other cases the resumes
were actually written by generic resume writing services that are not
familiar with engineering and use generic business world templates that
don’t work.
So in summary, be sure that your engineering resume and your cover
letter are very well written, formatted, edited and reviewed. This is a
critical set of documents, when well done they can help you immensely
and get you the job you want. If done poorly they will stop your job
search dead in its tracks. So get informed, use all resources you can
use or get professional help. This is not something where you can
afford to be “average”.
Try it… And get yourself the best engineering
resume and cover letter. It really helps get
interview calls…
a head start with our Very
Best Engineering Resume Collection, a
collection of the best engineering
resumes and cover letters, samples, examples and specialized advice.